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Indian Scientific Instrument

Urological Instruments

Home > Urological Instruments

Urologic Surgical Instruments or simply Urological Instruments are used to treat various ailments / diseases related to the urinary tracts of males and females. Urology covers ureters, urethra, kidneys and urinary bladder. Its branches are Laparoscopy, Endourology, & Pediatric Urology. Instruments used in urological surgery are offered by various Urological Instruments Exporters and Urological Instruments Manufacturers. Urological Equipments or Urological Tools are manufactured by many companies having international repute. Some of the popular Urology Instruments Manufacturers include Olympus and Miltex. The range of Olympus Urological Instruments and Miltex Urological Instruments is world class. Assortment of Miltex Urological Tools comprises Miltex Urethral Clamps, Miltex Urethral Forceps, Miltex Urethral Needle Holders, and Miltex Urethral Sounds.

In general, Urology Instruments Exporter From India offer a collection of highly sterile Boomerang, Catheters, Cold Knives, Cystoscopy, Endoscopes, Lithotripsy, Meatus Clamps, Nephroscopy, Obturators, Optic Bridges and many others.

Type of Urological Instruments

Top Urological Instruments Featured Companies

Ureteral Stent (Double J Stent)
Nidhi Meditech Systems
Urology Loop Stent
Aster Medispro Pvt. Ltd.

Proctology & Urology Instruments
Chatterjee Surgical
Urology Pig Tail Catheter
Pls Medical Ltd.

Proctology & Urology Instruments
Rajdhani Surgicals

Central Venous Catheter
Pls Medical Co., Ltd.
Two System Colostomy Bag Closed
Shanghai Primacy Industrial Co., Ltd.


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