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Plastic Pneumatic Trough

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A Pneumatic Trough is a shallow dish-like trough used to collect gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. It is a useful piece of laboratory apparatus commonly used in combination of two or three bottles in which the gases are collected. The trough is filled with a liquid such as water, or sometimes with mercury, and the bottles also filled with water are placed in inverted position in the trough. An outlet tube from a gas generating device is inserted into the open end of the bottle so that gas can bubble up through it by displacing the contained water.

The pneumatic trough is generally made of plastic such as polypropylene, which is durable as well as a transparent material. The transparency of the trough allows the scientists to observe the on-going phenomenon clearly. Plastic pneumatic troughs are less fragile, less expensive and very convenient to use in laboratories.

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