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Biological Models

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Biology is the study of life and living organisms, in regards of their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. The study needs detailed explanation on the various plant & animal anatomy and physiology. For the proper understanding of the subject, schools; colleges and other science institutions of medicines; microbiology; biotechnology, etc take the aid of Biological Lab Models. These models are life like incarnation of internal organs, biological structures, body parts, etc. These models are not just helpful but a must requirement to educate the biology students, without these studying and understanding biology and other allied subjects are almost impracticable. There are biological lab models for almost every topic of biology, which needs a proper dissection of human, animal or plant parts and organs. For instance, there are models for human brain, human skeleton, nervous system, heart, eyes, plant leaf, body cell, blood cells, cockroach digestive system, etc.

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