When pupils study dry chemical reactions and their results, they want to see it in practical, to experience it in a more lively form, and eventually they go to a place where all the equipment are there, which actualize their theory into practical. Chemistry laboratory is a place where students perform different reaction, which they visualize while reading dry formulas. A good chemistry laboratory is fully armored with the elementary measuring and analytical apparatus and assist to deduce the results of all branches of chemistry. Chemistry laboratory equipment are the most important of all branches of science in terms of safety and caution, therefore, it is advisable to perform experiments under the supervision of the laboratory instructor. Chemistry lab instruments are widely used in schools, colleges and universities. Most common equipment are Viscometer, Centrifuge, Thistle Tube, pH Meter, Digital Thermometer, Infrared Thermometer, Dry Bath, Burner Bunsen, Rectangular Water Bath.
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